Page name: Batista Lovers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-12 19:49:06
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He's big, bad, and we love him!
That's right he is...


The most awesome Superstar WWE has right now and this is HIS wiki!
If you like The Animal of WWE's RAW then this is the place for you!

Batista Lovers is the best WWE wiki you will find on ET, for one reason and one reason only...
It's the only wiki that supports DAVE BATISTA!

Welcome to...


Things to see and People to do!

(Did I say that outloud? ~_^ Oops!)

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(Sorry, guys, there's more than one side to this big guy!)


[Do you know that there are over
650 Muscles in the Human Body...?


I will have some more stuff up here A.S.A.P!
Thanks for bearing with me!
[Archeress of Mirkwood]


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2005-06-10 [chaza1]: end DESTROY

2005-06-10 [The Rejekt]: yes  

2005-06-16 [cowgirl08]: YEA

2005-06-16 [The Rejekt]: have ya'll heard Batista's new entrance music?

2005-06-16 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Yep! ^_^

2005-06-16 [The Rejekt]: it's awesome i downloaded some of it

2005-06-16 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Awesome... *Notes we've agreed on something* I'll DL it from somewhere... eventually. :P

2005-06-16 [The Rejekt]: yeah we've agreed on somethin finally but the song is called Unleashed and it's by Saliva

2005-06-16 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: AWesome... *Will look* thanks. (Didn't know Name of it)

2005-06-16 [The Rejekt]: ur welcome

2005-06-17 [The White Elf]: Yeah! Batista is the shit! He's gonna school triple h in that cell!!

2005-06-17 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Woooo!!! Hell yea! ^_^

2005-06-17 [The White Elf]: Wow a girl that likes wrestling...*looks amazed* Thats a first!,lol. I cant believe how far hes come, from a damn church money collector, to world champ in like 2 years.

2005-06-17 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: No kiddin' Although if you were to look back into his pre-WWE days, his championship reign wouldn't surprise you a bit. lol (BTW: like wrestling... hell, I obsess over it... alot of the WWE wikis on ET are mine.)

2005-06-17 [The White Elf]: Yeah like when he was Leviathan in OVW with his manager Synn. I read about that, I couldent believe that!

2005-06-17 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: YES!! Exactly... ^_^ He is absolutly my favorite WWE Superstar out of RAW and SD combined... Other than him, I just have a bunch of other SUperstars/Diva's I like. :P

2005-06-17 [The White Elf]: you like "The Naitch"?  Takers back!!!!! Damn Orton!

2005-06-17 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Sometimes... as of rescent, no, I don't care for Naitch. I can't stand Orton... he's so stuck up. >.<

2005-06-17 [The White Elf]: No Naitch!!!! AHH!!!!! *sticks ear plugs in his ears*. But yeah, orton is a puke. Im gonna kick his ass when I get there!

2005-06-17 [chaza1]: oi Nature_Boy i like wrestling2 and it aint a first. Archeress of Mirkwood dont dis randy he is well fit n becomin the world heavy weight at 21 yrs old well speaks 4its self

2005-06-17 [The Rejekt]: yeah Orton is awesome

2005-06-17 [Shark Boy]: i know

2005-06-18 [The Rejekt]: do u like Carlito?

2005-06-18 [The Rejekt]: no it's not he's cool

2005-06-18 [The Rejekt]: w/e i made a wiki bout him called Carlito Caribbean Cool

2005-06-18 [The Rejekt]: i know he is lol he is cooler than cool

2005-06-18 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: I hope he gets drafted to RAW just so I can see him get his ass kicked. Sorry, can't stand Carlito... o.o *Shudders*

2005-06-18 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: I don't get to watch SmackDown though... so he has to get drafted to RAW if I wanna see. :P

2005-06-18 [chaza1]: Archeress of Mirkwood i dont like him much 2and it would b 'cool' if he got his ass kicked by some different people on raw. The Angelic Diablo he aint really 'cool' but u no what eva but he AINT cooler than cool! u need 2 get out more if deep down thats wot u think

2005-06-18 [The Rejekt]: Carlito is cool

2005-06-18 [The Rejekt]: no way MM will take care of the big show

2005-06-19 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Unless Carlito is drafted to Raw in the next weeks to come, then he's screwed regardless of Show's injury status! If he goes to raw and starts crap, he'll get his ass kicked there... and he prolly knows it. If he stays on SD where ppl are already gunnin' for him, he's screwed that way too. *Shrugs* Just a matter of time.

2005-06-19 [The Rejekt]: he's still cool

2005-06-19 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: No he's not, he's a little crusty fag that thinks he's the whole enchalada... or as one of my favorite says discribes him even better, He thinks he's hot shit on a silver platter, but he ain't nothing but a cold turd on a paper plate. Fits him just right.

2005-06-19 [The Rejekt]: no it don't but ne way do u like MNM

2005-06-19 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: I only got to see them once... I don't hardly ever get to watch SD... The only parts of SD I get to see are what they sonw on RAW on the SmackDown Rebound.

2005-06-19 [The Rejekt]: oh b/c i made a wiki bout them called MNM

2005-06-19 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Yea, I think you've advertised it here when you first made it. I didn't go look at it, because I didn't really know who they were... still don't really... as I've said I've only seent hem once, and that was their very first appearance on SD.

2005-06-19 [The Rejekt]: yeah they where on Velocity earlier

2005-06-19 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: The only show I watch is Raw... and occasionally a Raw PPV.

2005-06-19 [The Rejekt]: oh ok

2005-06-20 [chaza1]: hiya wot u blabbin bout NOW

2005-06-26 [cowgirl08]: what

2005-06-26 [The Rejekt]: do ya'll think HHH will beat Batista 2night?

2005-06-26 [Alkor]: Probably not. It all depends on how things work out between them in the cell.

2005-06-26 [The Rejekt]: i really don't care who wins as long as Christian wins the WWE Title

2005-06-26 [Alkor]: Christian sucks ass along with Y2J. John Cena is gonna whop there ass like he done to JBL. JBL doesnt desserve a title anyway.

2005-06-26 [The Rejekt]: Christian does not and neither does Y2J they r gonna team up and take out John Cena b/c Cena sux

2005-06-27 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: [


No one wants to read that kind of heat on a wiki! I'm deleting most if not all of this debate between the two of you.] A calm mannered, point/counter-point discussion is fine, but cut the name calling and tension... it's all very un-neccessary, discouraging to potential members and un-welcoming to new members. So, just knock it off already.

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: he is goin 2 after Batista goes 2 SD and the main title on RAW is the WWE Title

2005-06-27 [Alkor]: He has no chance and Kane has a contract that he took from Edge to get a chance at the Heavey Weight Championship. BTW, how do you know that Batista is going to Smackdown? Noone knows cause they are drafting today. Plus, the main title on Raw is the Heavey Weight Championship and the main title on Smackdown is the WWE Championship.

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: b/c u go 2 and it has spoilers on it and it said Batista is scheduled 2 go 2 SD

2005-06-28 [The Rejekt]: Batista and the World Title r now officially property of SD

2005-06-28 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: OK... look... [Alkor] I dunno who started name calling and it sure WASN'T me... and to be honest with you, even if it was, that's fine, I can say whatever the fuck I want when I want on [MY] wiki. I was nowhere in your two's arguement. If I have to delete anymore of your arguements I'm going to have to ask you to leave my wiki. Do you understand me? At least [The Rejekt] gives his opinion respectfully, for the most part. However, I see you being the trouble maker by continuing the issue even after I asked you to stop. so now, I'm telling you to stop or you're gone. Got it!?

2005-06-28 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: And for the record... This isn't the place to argue about and of the three subjects you twp were arguing about... It's not a John Cena wiki, that would be John Cena's Chain Gang... it's not a Y2J wiki, that would be Jerichoholics United, and it's not a Christian wiki, that would be The Christian Coalition... this is Batista Lovers... [A BATISTA WIKI!]  (ANd the main title on RAW is now the WWE Title, and if Dave is now part of SD then the SD main title is the World Heavywieght Championship... They switched champions so they switched championships. However, if Dave is NOT switched to SD, then they will eventually unify the two titles in wich Dave will win)

2005-06-28 [Alkor]: If it were switched (the titles) then why did Theodor Long announce a 6 man elimation match for the WWE Title? Anyway, how will Dave both win the WWE Title & the Heavey Weight? And for your concern, in not starting trouble. So, we cannt talk about WWE in this wiki without getting in trouble, huh?

2005-06-28 [The Rejekt]: the 6 man elimination match was a #1 contender match 2 face Batista 4 the World Title at The Great American Bash and the winner was JBL

2005-06-28 [Alkor]: I see what your saying. I read it on So, CHristian and batista are now Smackdown I take it? I was hoping that the Undertaker would win. DDammit.

2005-06-28 [The Rejekt]: yeah i wanted either christian or undertaker 2 win

2005-06-28 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: I didn't say you can't talk about WWE in this wiki... if you wanna talk about the WWE in general go to The WWE Wiki list or Club WWE... this wiki is basically reserved for discussing Dave Batista, and following his storylines/matches/title reigns... so forth. and from what I read, and what I seen, yea, you were starting trouble, by continuing an arguement/debate that I asked you to stop. Do I make myself clear?

2005-06-28 [Alkor]: No you don't. Plus, I was debating about freakin' WWE. Dave is part of that..

2005-06-28 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Keep this wiki about DAVE! Is that clear enough!? I don't mind discussion about him or his title so forth and so on, but when you are arguing abuot who is better between Cena and Carlito that has NOTHING to do with Dave OR his Title!

2005-06-28 [Alkor]: WHy don't you tell him that as-well? He was arguing over the same damn thing but your not going all over his case about it. Why me you bitchin at?

2005-06-28 [The Rejekt]: i'm a guy

2005-06-28 [Alkor]: Who gives a damn.

2005-06-28 [The Rejekt]: y don't u just b quiet and quit bitchin

2005-06-29 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: You're the one that STARTED the debate back up... and as you can see, he DID quit arguing about it. Where as you are still going on. Besides, I've already had this discussion with him before, no need for me to take it anyfurther with him. He knows. So, just do, all three of us a favor and say something good about Dave or don't say anything else at all. [This discussion is closed!]

2005-06-29 [The Rejekt]: who me?

2005-06-29 [Alkor]: Actually, I didnt start this shit. It was him. If you look back at the comments, hes the one that started talking about Christian and all that shit so don't blame me for what he started. You never keep an eye on this wiki know do you?

2005-06-29 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: No... the other guy.

2005-06-29 [The Rejekt]: o ok

2005-06-29 [Alkor]: I have a name. Use it. It's not "the other guy".

2005-06-29 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Excuse me, I watch this wiki very closely, and I've deleted most of the comments from earlier. After I asked the two of you to stop arguing and debating the subject you were the next comment (that is now deleted as well as quit a few others following it) going right back into the subject. You started talking about Cena. Now, I'm not gonna tell you again SHUT UP or you will no longer be welcomed in this wiki. Is that clear? This wiki was created not for WWE in general... but for WWE's Dave Batista... keep it on THAT subject line. *Sigh*

2005-06-29 [Alkor]: FUck that shit. I never started nothing. Hes the one that braught up the damn subject about the fucken WWE Title. Cena vs. Y2J. vs. CHristian. Hes the one that braught this whole argument up. FOr your concern, you never keep a close eye on whatpeople sya in this fucken wiki. NOTHINGS CLEAR TO YOU.

2005-06-29 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: I watch this wiki more than anyfucking one else, this is my wiki... I own the mother fucker, I made the son of a bitch. I asked you to stop arguing, he did, you kept going... I warned you again to stop, then you decided to argue with me. I told you to knock it off and you still haven't so just get the fuck out of my wiki, right now. I'm sick of you already.

2005-06-29 [Alkor]: I dont fucken care if your sick of me. Get used to. Welcome to the real world and I dont give a shit if your the creator of this fucken wiki. I can careless. Your a bitch, slut, and a whore.

2005-06-29 [The Rejekt]: hey that ain't true so i don't want 2 hear that shit any more u fuckin understand me u little piece of shit

2005-06-29 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: That's OK, [The Rejekt], he's deleted off the members list and is about to get a guard report.

2005-06-29 [The Rejekt]: well he shouldn't say stuff like that 2 u b/c u r really nice and i hope he gets banned off et as well

2005-06-29 [Alkor]: Im nicer then her

2005-06-29 [The Rejekt]: u sure don't act like it

2005-06-29 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: I told you to get out of my wiki and I meant it.

2005-06-29 [TheRogue]: [And guess what, Mr. Decontaminated Corpse? You will. Because if you don't I'm gonna give you a nice frothing mouthful of my boot right out of Elftown. If you post ANYTHING in this wiki after this warning, you will be banned indefinately from Elftown. Go find somewhere else to act like a child. Try Elfpack Even. It's chock full of plenty of people to argue incessantly with. Archeress, do not delete comments because we need them to read over. :)]

2005-06-29 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: I didn't want other people to be discouraged from joining my wiki... but I'll keep that in mind next time. Thanks a bunch!

2005-06-29 [TheRogue]: or make a copy of the comments and put them on a reference wiki for us.

2005-06-29 [Thunder Cid]: Three cheers for [Archeress of Mirkwood] and [TheRouge] for swinging the steel chair of justice into that posers face.

2005-06-30 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Hehehe... ^_^ Will do! I wish I'd have thought of that before... (However, I not that he added his name BACK on the members page)

2005-06-30 [The Rejekt]: that 1 guy got on my nerves so bad i wanted 2 strangle him lol

2005-06-30 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Yes, he should be happy that this isn't something that happened in person, otherwise he'd never even have the chance to take it as far as he did... but, you know... there's no sence in dewlling on what happened in the past. So, if Dave is now on SD... didn't you or someone say that his first title defence will be against JBL?

2005-06-30 [The Rejekt]: yes i found that out sometime after RAW b/c they taped SD after RAW and i miss Christian :(

2005-06-30 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Yea, SD tapings are actually on Tuesdays and aired Thursdays... they they have the gul to call it live... at least Raw is only aired about 30 in delay... starts at 7:30 ends at 9:30, but for television (my time) it's 8 - 10

2005-06-30 [The Rejekt]: it's 9-11 4 me

2005-06-30 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Yea... I live in the Central Time zone... so... o.o

2005-06-30 [The Rejekt]: that' cool

2005-06-30 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: No, right now it's actually pretty hot... LOL! :P

2005-07-01 [The Rejekt]: lol i know wat ur tlkn bout it's really hot where i live lol

2005-07-01 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Heeheehee... It rained lastnight so the weather has cooled off quite a bit... thankfully.

2005-07-01 [The Rejekt]: that's cool

2005-07-01 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Yea, now that's cool.

2005-07-01 [The Rejekt]: yeah but i miss cc already

2005-07-01 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: I miss Dave... Q.Q

2005-07-01 [The Rejekt]: i miss cc more than u miss dave lol

2005-07-01 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: I doubt that... o.o Me and bf almost broke up during WrestleMania because of Dave! O.O (My bf gets very jealous very easily)

2005-07-01 [The Rejekt]: o lol but i still miss cc more

2005-07-01 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Hehehe... how about we miss 'em the same!?

2005-07-01 [The Rejekt]: ok i guess we miss em the same then

2005-07-01 [chaza1]: wot do u think about the hell in a cell match i didnt think that dave would win because of lack of experiance n that but i am so glad he did

2005-07-01 [The Rejekt]: yeah it was a pretty good match in my opinion

2005-07-04 [chaza1]: pretty good it was flippin brill

2005-07-04 [The Rejekt]: y's that? lol

2005-07-04 [chaza1]: y's that did u c the match!!!!!

2005-07-04 [The Rejekt]: yeah i watch just bout every PPV

2005-07-04 [chaza1]: so why did u say wot u just said

2005-07-04 [The Rejekt]: idk wat brill means lol

2005-07-06 [chaza1]: lol anyway lol do u think he can beat jbl?

2005-07-07 [The Rejekt]: u Batista no b/c he can't even beat The Blue Meanie b/c he gets beat by him this Thursday lol

2005-07-07 [chaza1]: ;O omg lol

2005-07-07 [The Rejekt]: yeah lol

2005-07-09 [chaza1]: ......

2005-07-12 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: o.o

2005-07-15 [chaza1]: so what do you think of dave

2005-07-16 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: watchu think we think of Dave!? ^_^ We're at his wiki aren't we? *wink* (Actually, I made it, so that's self explanitory.)

2005-07-18 [chaza1]: lol i just ment what kind of story lines u think he will b in next

2005-07-18 [The Rejekt]: lol

2005-07-25 [lenardo]: he kept his belt by DQ he hit JBl with a chair

2005-07-26 [The Rejekt]: yea that shit was messed up

2005-08-01 [chaza1]: yeah i wonda y maby cause he didnt think he could beat him or he couldnt be bothered lol.

2005-08-01 [The Rejekt]: well w/e it was Batista better watch his back @ SS

2005-08-01 [chaza1]: yeah

2005-08-01 [The Rejekt]: b/c Brock is gonna b there

2005-08-10 [chaza1]: yes yay im so excited is it 4 definate that he is coming bk cause i no that him n vince have been talking

2005-08-11 [The Rejekt]: idk i think they r jokin around sayin he turned em down but i have heard that is all a work so that when he comes back no 1 will know lol

2005-08-12 [chaza1]: lol

2005-08-12 [The Rejekt]: it is messed up

2005-08-12 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Hey, sorry to dampen the spirit of the wiki gyus, but as you've all prolly noticed I haven't been here for a long time and I'm tired of dealing with other ppl and their crap about my wikis, so any wiki belonging to me I'm going to be disabling the comments until I am able to get my computer and internet up and running again. Again, sorry for any inconvieniace this may have caused.

2005-08-12 [The Rejekt]: that sux

2005-08-13 [chaza1]: dito

2005-08-15 [The Rejekt]: lmao

2005-08-20 [chaza1]: wot dat mean

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: laugh my ass off

2005-08-23 [LovinLIFE]: hahaha can you really disable tha comments?

2005-08-23 [The Rejekt]: idk

2005-08-26 [chaza1]: R I G H T ........ did u seen the match at summerslam the match was good but dissapointing it was over really quick..... i recon it was to make space for hulk holgans match cause of his entrance n that lol

2005-08-26 [The Rejekt]: lol

2005-08-31 [chaza1]: yeah but batista could have made it look like a slightly harder match

2005-09-01 [Thunder Cid]: It was sad how fast JBL lost.

2005-09-02 [tohot4you]: yeah i was!! chris beniots match didn't take long 25 seconds!! lloll hahahaha

2005-09-03 [Shark Boy]: that match sucked ass

2005-09-03 [The Rejekt]: yea

2005-09-13 [chaza1]: no it didnt and any way least it was a short sucking ass of a match

2005-09-13 [The Rejekt]: yea i know 

2005-09-15 [chaza1]: wel then

2005-09-15 [The Rejekt]: yeppers

2005-09-17 [Shark Boy]: so wat's every 1 up 2?

2005-09-17 [The Rejekt]: nothin

2005-09-20 [chaza1]: same

2005-09-20 [The Rejekt]: fun ain't it

2005-09-25 [chaza1]: u kiddin

2005-09-25 [The Rejekt]: yea i'm just kiddin

2005-09-27 [chaza1]: lol

2005-10-02 [The Rejekt]: so wat's up?

2005-10-03 [LovinLIFE]: not much ovah hee-yah!!!

2005-10-03 [The Rejekt]: i am suspended 2day 4 like the 5th or 6th time this school year lol

2005-10-06 [chaza1]: lol

2005-10-06 [The Rejekt]: i am always gettin in 2 trouble lol

2005-10-06 [chaza1]: oh poor u lol

2005-10-06 [The Rejekt]: not really lol i like it :D

2005-10-11 [chaza1]: lol did u see batistas match cool i thought he was goin to loose. i wantede him at the end to hug eddie when he put his hand out to shake n say friends dont shake hands

2005-10-18 [The Rejekt]: i can't watch SD lol

2005-10-21 [chaza1]: i no u said that on every other wwe winki lol

2005-10-24 [The Rejekt]: wat's up?

2005-11-03 [LovinLIFE]: not much!! ahhhh batista is so hoT!!!

2005-11-04 [chaza1]: OMG u r slow!

2005-11-04 [chaza1]: i think that hes lettin himself go! its harsh but he isnt as toned as he used to be!!!!

2005-11-07 [LovinLIFE]: yeah......its because he is letting his russian side out;\

2005-11-10 [chaza1]: lol nicly said lol..!

2005-11-14 [Jace Beleren]: did you hear the news? eddie is dead

2005-11-15 [chaza1]: i know RIP i made a winki its not great but 'Eddie Guerrrero' feel free to add stuff to it, but he will always be remembered in a lot of peoples hearts

2005-11-16 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Amen to that. q.q

2005-11-21 [chaza1]: i would also like to say RIP to jhonathon and david who died on the 21st of nov 2005. RIP my friends xx

2005-12-10 [tohot4you]: aww you poor poor ppl

2005-12-12 [LovinLIFE]: well besides the bad news how is everyone

2005-12-12 [tohot4you]: yeah NRB's aren't fun when your in a public place lol

2005-12-13 [chaza1]: : )

2005-12-18 [The Rejekt]: :P

2005-12-19 [tohot4you]: you know it

2005-12-20 [chaza1]: LOL

2005-12-31 [LovinLIFE]: what is NRB's? please someone tell me!

2006-07-23 [tohot4you]: NRB's!! lol lol no reason boners!! lol

2006-07-23 [chaza1]: :| anyway i saw gtuns n roses the other day!!!

2006-07-24 [tohot4you]: how was it?

2006-07-27 [chaza1]: fuckin awesome

2006-07-27 [tohot4you]: thats sweet man....

2006-07-28 [chaza1]: oh yes defo that lmao. so whta you been up2?

2006-07-29 [tohot4you]: not to much really just hangin out really...havent really been able to keep up on wwe seeing as i don't have cable or sattelite anymore. but i've been going to work, and hanging out at the beach and just having a good time really

2006-07-31 [chaza1]: yeah that is jut the same for me every part of that lmao ha saves me sayin it

2006-07-31 [tohot4you]: yeah we'd be livin the high life

2006-08-01 [chaza1]: lmao

2009-01-04 [tohot4you]:'s been a while since anyone's been on here huh?

2009-03-04 [Jace Beleren]: my new forum come see

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